Just like you need to keep your car serviced, and you need the occasional medical checkup, so you need to ensure your business is fit and healthy.
And, just like getting your car serviced, or having a medical checkup, one of the first things that needs to be done is to run some diagnostics. For your car service this will involve measuring the thickness of your brake-pads and checking oil levels. For your medical check-up it will most probably include a range of blood tests. The results of these tests are then used to determine the interventions required to maximise the performance of your cars’ engine or, indeed, your own engine!
So, what’s the equivalent for your business? Here at Jigsaw Tree, we believe the starting point is to run some diagnostics on your data. Data is just like the blood in your body. Without it your body is just skin and bones. And, if it’s poor quality (you’ve got anaemia) then your bodily performance will be substantially reduced; You just won’t be firing on all cylinders! And the same’s true for your business. Without the right quality of data your service quality will be adversely impacted, compliance will be harder, your staff will be frustrated, and your profits won’t be maximised.
So, how do you go about assessing the quantity and quality of your data? Well, again, just like getting your car serviced or having a medical check-up, the first step is to find someone with the right skills, experience, tools and expertise to carry out the work. But, above all you need to find somebody you can trust. Someone that will tell you the truth (in a kind way) and then help you implement any improvements that might be required.
At Jigsaw Tree our starting point is to perform a ‘Database Assessment’. This short, sharp exercise will not only investigate the quantity and quality of the data held within your main CRM system it will also examine how well that data flows around the other applications that you use. And, of course, if weaknesses, or opportunities, are identified then we’ll convert them into a set of clear, concise, actionable recommendations for you to consider. And, if you want help with implementation then we’ll be there to support you.
But, of course, whilst data quality is vitally important you might want to run an even broader health check on your business, i.e. to ensure your business operations, processes and procedures, capabilities, culture and technology stack are all perfectly aligned with your business vision. Of course, there are many consultancy firms that will offer to facilitate such a review but, most are theoretical, time-consuming and expensive. At Jigsaw Tree we offer a short, sharp one-day ‘’Discovery Workshop’ delivered by real-world practitioners. A day spent with all the right people in the room, expertly facilitated by people that have “been there and got the T-shirt” invariably gets to the heart of any issues far more quickly than any other approach. It also helps ensure that understanding of any problems is shared across the business and that next steps are mutually agreed.
So, if you think it’s time your business had a health check, then please do get in touch for a chat…….